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Logistics Automation
PlantU WMS
Warehouse Management System
Ensure synchronization between the "physical flow" and "information flow" of products. Determine the current warehouse status and establish a warehouse management system by managing information in real-time.

Accuracy: Inventory stock and materials on the shelves are managed using barcode scanning operations, enhancing the accuracy of material identification and inventory tracking.


Efficiency: Sales/purchase management operations are conducted based on accurate inventory, enabling real-time tracking of inventory levels in each warehouse.


Convenience: To facilitate product installation and convenient development, existing inventory can be supported through a simple interface to the basic inventory, such as PDA scanning.


Reliability: Incoming and outgoing inventory are checked for the correctness of the material code. Additionally, IQC and OQC quality assurance processes are implemented to prevent incorrect operations during material receipt, delivery, and shipment.

Build Effect

Provide accurate warehouse inventory reports and automatically generate inventory statistical reports.


Gain real-time insight into warehouse load to optimize inventory and reduce inventory pressure.


Establishing logistics management and warehouse business processes can shorten and improve lead time.


Improve warehouse operation efficiency by standardizing barcode operations for inbound, outbound, storage, inventory, and other activities. Automatically summarize material and quantity business operations to avoid human errors in calculation and enhance operational staff efficiency.


By scanning barcodes, automatically compare inbound and outbound materials, and manage business orders and operators to enhance the accuracy of warehouse materials. Prompt reminders for errors and reduce operational errors in a timely manner.


Inventory, goods retrieval, and barcode management of turnover trays are synchronized to ensure consistent accounts. Implementing paperless operations reduces costs, while multi-dimensional inventory capabilities cater to various business needs.


Support PDA operation to enable mobile functionality with real-time data synchronization and automatic task reminders. Easy and convenient usage improves warehouse space utilization and reduces warehouse usage costs.

Experience Smart Manufacturing with SEMI Integration